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Basic Commands for FICS Tournaments

All the tournaments in the FICS Championships will start at the advertised times. These are all server time. All tournaments are open to join approximately 20 minutes before they are due to start. If you do not see either tshout or channel 49 advertisements to join the tournaments by then, please ask in channel 49 or channel 1.


Type all the following commands in the main console of your FICS browser. Replace <tourney_number> with the actual tournament number for the tournament.


td lt -j          to list all joinable tournaments







td join <tourney_number>       to join a tournament.

td who <tourney_number>      to list players who have joined the tournament.












td standing <tourney_number>    to list the current standings of the tournament






















td sg <tourney_number>          to show the crosstable of the tournament






















td games <tourney_number>   to list the current round pairings of the tournament














Created 2015 by knubbel and RoyRogersC

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